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The most common Enneagram type most to least popular featured image

The most common Enneagram type: Most to least popular

Every employee, regardless of their role, skills, or experience, has different personality traits and values that dictate how they work and collaborate with others.  Choosing the best candidate during hiring campaigns can be a struggle if you don’t look beyond hard skills. It’s important to determine how each applicant will perform in the current environment and if they will collaborate effectively with teams and supervisors. To assist with this, you can use a pre-employment personality test. Th

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What is the rarest enneagram type and why featured image

What is the rarest Enneagram type & why?

Conducting an Enneagram test can help you understand your applicants’ and current employees' personality traits and behavioral tendencies more deeply. Integrating these tests into your hiring process can make identifying which candidates will work well with your existing team’s dynamic easier. The Enneagram test categorizes individuals into nine types - but one type is rarer than the rest.   In this article, we explore the rarest Enneagram type, how individuals with this personality type contrib

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disc profiles natural or adapted featured image

DISC profiles: Natural vs. Adapted

A DISC test is a personality assessment that measures four primary personality traits: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness.  In early versions of the DISC test, results were given in three graphs or profiles: Graph I, also called the “Adapted” profile, Graph II, also called the “Natural” profile, and Graph III, which combined the two.  The theory was that the “Natural profile” reflected your genuine behavioral style, whereas the “Adapted profile” showed how you consciously ch

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Is it a candidate's market or a recruiter's market feature image

Is it a candidate’s market or a recruiter’s market?

Sometimes it feels like candidates are coming and going through a revolving door. You wait for ages for someone skilled to come along who can add to your company culture, then several arrive at once. Next thing you know, everyone is gone, and you’re waiting on new talent once again.  These fluctuations aren’t in your head. Sometimes, there are more candidates than vacancies. But sometimes the balance flips, usually because of broader economic trends (say, world-halting pandemics). Post-lockdown,

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What is a DISC assessment and how does it help recruiters

What is a DISC assessment and how does it help recruiters?

Identifying which candidates have the right type of skills for your job opening is crucial to making a great hire. But what about the right type of personality?  Although no single personality type is better or worse than another, it can be tricky to identify which candidate’s values and behaviors align with your organization’s or which candidates will make strong leaders.  That’s where DISC assessments come in handy.  But what is a DISC assessment exactly, and how will it benefit your company,

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10 best enneaggram tests free and paid featured image

10 best Enneagram tests: Free and paid

Getting to know your employees takes time. However, if you don’t understand their personality type early on, your team risks potential miscommunication and productivity loss. Thus, it’s wise to identify candidates’ personality traits before you hire. The Enneagram test uses a framework with nine personality types to describe an individual’s worldview and what motivates or discourages them. You can use the results to better communicate with candidates during interviews and after hiring. While all

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Still got it: 7 best practices for making older people part of your D&I strategy

Employers love to talk about their diverse hiring practices. Whether it’s supporting LGBTQ+ workers, setting up programs for neurodiverse employees, or making sure they don’t discriminate against women or people of color — they’ve got it covered.  But where does this leave older workers? According to Lucy Kellaway, contributing author of the Financial Times, “It’s still perfectly acceptable in polite society to be rampantly ageist.” ¹ For example, when hiring managers rule out older workers beca

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Avoid micromanagment feature image

Don’t micromanage: How to prevent excessive control in your company

Managing people, by definition, means overseeing a team and their work. However, some leaders (intentionally or not) take this to the extreme. Micromanagers excessively monitor and criticize their personnel’s performance. It’s counterproductive and damaging to employee morale. Take Joana Galvão, the cofounder of Gif Design Studios, for example.  Falling into the trap of taking over staff’s work mid-project because of anxiety and a need for control, Galvão unintentionally caused her team to dwind

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The ‘M’ word: supporting menopausal people in the workplace

Menopause can take a huge toll on women’s physical and mental health, with some taking time off work or even leaving their jobs.[1] Additionally, this group of workers is often on the receiving end of bias, harassment, and opposition to their management styles and find it harder than younger people of any age to access work in the first place.[2] In this piece, we’ll look at some of the challenges faced by menopausal women, and how you can support them and ensure your hiring and retention effort

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6 ways to support neurodivergent adults at work

Neurodivergent adults are more likely to be unemployed than any other group. [1] Despite bringing unique skills and talents to the workplace, they face bias, discrimination, non-inclusive hiring and retention practices, and a lack of employer awareness and support at work.  Having the right people in the right roles and supporting them, regardless of whether or not they’re neurodivergent, sets your business apart from competitors and gives you a key advantage.  In this piece, we’ll look at some

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Creating a trans-inclusive workplace: Best practices

According to a recent Mckinsey report, there are 2 million transgender people in the US.[1] Yet transgender adults are twice as likely as cisgender individuals to be unemployed. At the same time, more than half say they’re not comfortable being ‘out’ at work, find it harder to get promoted, and feel less supported by their managers. Since 2020, the US Department of Labor has explicitly prohibited discrimination and harassment based on gender identity.[2] However, policy is one thing and applicat

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The problem with DE&I targets: Are they the best way to promote inclusion?

Diversity isn’t just good for business – it’s necessary. Hiring a diverse workforce promotes innovation, productivity, and better financial performance. Besides business benefits, it’s the right thing to do. Many companies plan on achieving this goal by establishing diversity and inclusion targets, but are they the most effective way to increase diversity in your organization? These goals are well-intentioned but problematic. To properly reap the benefits of diversity, it has to be natural.  You

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